I am answering this here, but it would be a good idea to keep posting in the original thread where all the information about what has happened to date is. That way people that have not been following you can read through everything before they say something that isn't appropriate to the situation, or has already been said by someone else. So I think I have read most of the other posts, but I may say something inappropriate, since I am not sure I got them all.
This post leaves me wondering about a couple of things. I don't think I saw anything in your other thread about other treatments, except the comment about not doing surgery. That comment makes me think (since this is only a stage one at this point, which most of the time can be resolved with a surgical intervention) that it is in some very touchy anatomical site... (base of tongue -full of nerve bundles etc. or like that). I say that because we know that chemo by itself is not curative for oral cancer. Surgery or radiation is, but not chemo. So that begs the question- where is she being treated at? This would not be the customary treatment protocol at a major cancer center. Chemo by itself can be used as a prelude to radiation (why nothing else has been done yet) sometimes, or in conjunction with radiation. I would make the guess that she is not being seen by an ENT since they are surgically trained and do not do chemo. I would just like to establish that she is in competent hands, in a quality hospitals protocols. Stage one is a good thing, but dealys in doing the appropriate things are not good. Please do not think the worst about your doctors or institution, I may just be working from a lack of information here.
Would you mind posting answers to these observations/questions so that I might better help you?