Went to get results and I'm we're at @ the lowest point ever. There is 50% uptake in his bones. Jim pushed her extremely hard to get her to tell him how long...6 months if we do nothing; 8 months maybe if he takes another round of kickass chemo. I haven't told his family - I've just cried all day; was supposed to go to work, but came home and went to bed...only got up to talk to y'all. I've just had my teeth and gut kicked in and am expected to go to work and just keep pushing forward. I don't have it in me anymore; want to curl up and die right along with him. What do you do - more chemo and affect the quality of life that we have now??? At lease he gets up and we go on weekends....or just try this other poison and watch him slowly deteriorate....I of course can't make the decision...he has to. He is the one that is trying to pull me along and looking to me to be upbeat and saying come on - we will do this. His 50th bday is on 8/24/10 and he won't do anything until after the party. Do you really think I feel like partying? I feel like it's a dress rehearsal for a funeral that I don't want to attend. Of course I can't tell him that.....