Thanks for understanding how stressful this is for me at the time. We are literally in limbo in Houston right now. They want her to stay for at least a month to start this therapy. 2 pills, twice a day and once a week drip IV. They want to monitor her for a month to watch her reactions to the drug. We were planning on going home today - I had to call and cancel our plane tickets, another ordeal to deal with. I have no idea when I'll be going home, so I couldnt reschedule it.
The oncologist was ready to get her started on this today or Friday but wanted to wait till he saw results from her pet scan. Her CT scan showed her chest was clear so thats some good news. The appointment schedule is crazy here! Her first appointment 2days ago was 7am and the last was at 8pm (the ct scan) - we didnt get out of there till 10:30pm! she hadnt had any pain medicine since the morning - it was awful.
And yes Brian as you said, the reality is when these trials are your only option, you do what you have to do. Why not try it? We're not going to just let her lay down and die without a fight.
My only glimmer of hope is that we are doing the trial with the best. Oncologist said of course we can go back home and he can recommend another hospital to us where we can try their trials, but she wouldnt receive the same medication they are going to try here.

So of course we're going to stay - figuring out how to pay for that is another feat in itself

Kate - I do have a stepdad and a brother. My brother calls for updates. My step dad will probably end up driving here from NC so theyll have a car and we can get rid of the rental. At that point when he gets here, Ill go home. my mother and father in law have been wonderful too. MIL calls me everyday. They actually gave us $300 to come out here with for extra expenses.

So the plan for today is to meet back with the oncologist, get her results from PET scan. Hopefully hasnt spread to rest of her body. If so, we should start this trial, hopefully today.

On top of everything else, we found out last night I am pregnant! I told my husband via skype lol

my mom, age 59.

12/08 surgery & 33x rad
4/09 recurrence
5/09 surgery & 35x rad
12/09 recurrence
1/10 surgery. peg tube, trach, fibula free flap
6/10 recurrence. double chemo treatments.
8/10/10 finally at peace in heaven