Hi Emily- I'm glad that the Drs. you met have identified some therapies that can help your mom get this cancer under control and hopefully also some relief from her pain too. That is all good news. I'm glad that you've got some real options! Also, I think Charm was just joking around with you. Email can be really misinterpreted sometimes. I"m so sorry it was upsetting.. its really the last thing you need right now. So lets move on from that...

Anyways, what a rough and rocky ride you are on. I know this is a very emotional and stressful time. Its llike a rollercoaster you can't get off of or a bad dream you can't wake up from.

I too had to deal with a very sick mom when I was 25 & 26. It was awful. I didn't even have to deal with the actual medical side of things-- that was all on my Dad so I can imagine it must be very tough sorting through your emotions and then dealing with the logistics of appointments and taking care of her etc

Well as hard as it is do try and enjoy the little moments you can with your mom. She sure is one tough cookie. Do you have other relatives or family friends etc that can help you out? Build as much of a support system as you can. People that love you and who love your mom will want to do anything to help you in whatever ways they can.

Thinking of you and sending you strength to get through this.

XO Kate

Last edited by misskate; 06-30-2010 10:44 PM.

Tongue Cancer T2 N0 M0 /
Total Glossectomy Due to Location of Tumor

Finished all treatments May 25 2007