Well our first few appointments are over. We met Dr Hanna - rated one of the worlds best head and neck dr's the past few years. We LOVED him. Very nice, explained things well, took him time.
Basically she does have dermal metastases. He recommends no surgery as she would lose half of her face and he says the surgery would cause it to spread more (in a nutshell). He says it would be a very HARD surgery for her to endure, especially since she hasnt healed from the prior one.
We cand do radiation b/c shes already had it twice.

What he did suggest was that shes a good candidate for heavy drug therapy, not necessarily chemo. Assuming we found the right combo for her, he says she would never be cancer free but it will reduce the tumor(s) and their side effects, making her able to live it with for years to come.
So tomorrow we are meeting with a top medical oncologist and hes going to refer us to medical onc. he recommends back in NC. Basically he will authorize what he thinks she should be on an d the oncologist back home will administer it.
Once and while we would fly back to Anderson to check in with him.

Im not sure what to think of all this. I guess I should be happy he didnt say "theres nothing that can be done"..he thinks shed be good at the drug therapy. Ive never even heard of it before. Shes happy about not doing the surgery too..she says she doesnt want to live the rest of her life that like, and we're all gonna die anyway.
She thinks her miracle made its way into our lives today because I am officially one month since my last period! She wants me to go take a pregger test but its the last thing from my mind today!! I cant even wrap my head around that. She keeps saying its her will to live.
So we're still in Texas...hopefully we'll be going home Thursday. Doing a CT and PET scan tonight as well as more appointments tomorrow.

my mom, age 59.

12/08 surgery & 33x rad
4/09 recurrence
5/09 surgery & 35x rad
12/09 recurrence
1/10 surgery. peg tube, trach, fibula free flap
6/10 recurrence. double chemo treatments.
8/10/10 finally at peace in heaven