Just another "war story" and another medical opinion to add to the mix- When John went to his first chemo appt interview,[after two surgeries and radiation txs.] he was asked about current physical conditions that should be noted: They were #1. palsey in his hands that had increased in intensity over the past several years and #2. loss of hearing [age related or being around loud construction equipment ?] that had become more noticeable in the past 2 years. His Chemo Doc said " O.K- we will do Carboplatin rather than Cisplatin-there is not much difference between them in terms of results". So, John got Carboplatin, which did not work, and then
Erbitux, which slowed things down and then he died. If I went to bed every night thinking that Cisplatin might have saved him, I would go insane. Amy in the Ozarks