Hey Trev!
As everyone's mentioned, people suffer the side effects differently. For me - i had my Cisplatin/5fu combi every 21 days. I suffered with tinitus (still do, but no hearing loss), extreme nausea & vommiting & antiemetics didn't work for me (except for Lorazapam but that sent me away with the fairies!) Mouth sores, nose sores, nerve damage in my hands and feet, and a fair bit of hair loss. But i DID have a high dose due to suspicious nodes on my lungs, and as i'm young and can apparently tolerate it?! Basicaly i got everything going and invented some of my own for the sheer hell of it! But as you know, i came through it & i bared up cuz i had to! & i reackon you're tough enough to take it on the chin! wink
& now i feel fantastic! smile

All the best,

Undifferentiated Nasopharyngeal Ca. T3N1M0 stage: IIb. diagnosed: June 2006. 6cycles of high dose chemo (Cisplatin & 5FU). 6 & half weeks (33sessions) radical R/T