"Above & Beyond" Member (500+ posts) Joined: Jul 2005 Posts: 624 | Trev --
Make sure your MO has discussed with you candidly about the possible long-term side-effects of cisplatin -- and I am not talking about nausea -- rather that the drug is both ototoxic and nephrotoxic. Thje majority of people taking cisplatin experience some sort of hearing issue, and for a significant number, this can be permanent -- high end hearing loss or tinnitis (ringing in the ears) or both. My husband's Hopkins MO would not give him cisplatin because he already has high-end hearing loss from infections as a kid. She gave him a newer, very similar drug, carboplatin, which does not cause hearing problems. (They tested his hearing pre- and post-treatment and there were no changes)
The kidney toxicity is generally prevented by use of IV hydration infusion during the cisplatin infusion, but they will continue to check kidney function and change chemo drugs if you start having problems.
The nausea issue will be helped but not eliminated by the weekly doses. Make sure you are getting a *serious* anti-emetic beforehand and that you have a script for the similar sort of drug (ones in USA include Anzemet, Kytril, Zofran) to take afterwards. A late-onset nausea 2-3 days after infusion was a complaint I heard a lot from folks getting cis- at Hopkins. Some were getting 7 low doses are you will be.
Since you are in Aus, you can use Difflam mouth rinse during treatment - swish several times a day - as the benzydamine HCl in that rinse has been shown in clinical trials to significantly reduce the extent and severity of mucositis (mouth sores) which will interfer with your swallowing and eating as you progress through RT. It can be bought at any chemist's. Also comes as lozenges. (Not available in USA, yet.)
CG to husband Barry, dx. 7/21/05, age 66, SCC rgt. tonsil, BOT, 2 nodes (stg. IV), HPV+, tonsillectomy, 7x carboplatin, 35x tomoTherapy IMRT w/ Ethyol @ Johns Hopkins, thru treatment 9/28/05, HPV vaccine trial 12/06-present. Looking good!