careful here! You are about to compare apple with oranges....

Of the responses that you got the majority had 3 cisplatin treatment every 3 weeks or so. This is NOT the same that they will give you.
When they give you cisplatin every 3 weeks a total of 3 times or so then this is quite different from getting is weekly. In that setting the concentration is 90-100mg/m2. If you get it weekly then the concentration that is used is 30 (typically) mg/m2. So in a weekly scenario you expect a hell of a lot less side effects. In order to compare anything you need to know the dosage and even then the reactions are individual. [I just wished that people would add the concentration information so that we can actually compare]
I had weekly cisplatin treatments (see my signature for details) and this was as far as nausea was concerned a total non event. I did not take any nausea medication at all and I was ok until day 6 (Wed) when I felt a bit queasy in the morning, Therefore I took one promethazine on Tue evening from that point on.
Nevertheless, stay hydrated and keep the nutrition up. Also, as David cautions, WATCH out for ringing, this can happen even with the weekly low cisplatin dose. 2-3 days after the first infusion I started to detect some ringing which by the time of the second infusion had abated (otherwise I would not have had it) However, then the ringing came back and we switched to carboplatin. (It is now pretty much gone)

You will probably find that the weekly chemo is the easy part.

Best Markus

Partial glossectomy (25%) anterior tongue. 4/6/07/. IMRT start @5/24/07 (3x) Erbitux start/end@ 5/24/07. IMRT wider field (30x) start 6/5/07. Weekly cisplatin (2x30mg/m2), then weekly carbo- (5x180mg/m2). End of Tx 19 July 07.