
You will get more replies if you start a separate thread, as people might not be checking this one any longer. This will highlight your particular concerns.
Click new topic and then post. I don't know if you can copy & paste from this thread.

I have no expertise regarding your situation but it is very anxiety producing to just wait. Can you get a team consultation at a CCC? Why is the oral surgeon reluctant to prescribe pain meds? Maybe you need to involve a pain specialist. Lottie

CG to husband, dx @ age 65, nonsmoker/social drinker. Dx 5/08 SCC Stage IV, BOT T1N2aM0. 33 IMRT - completed 9/12/08. Induction Chemo (Cisplatin, Taxotere & 5FU), plus concurrent Cisplatin.
1/09 PEG removed; 5/09 neg PET/CT; 5/10 PET/CT NED
Dental extraction & HBOT 2013; ORN 2014; Debridement/Tissue Transfer & HBOT 2016