Brian and Jerry - Thank you so much for the information and clarification. I truly appreciate your help.

Oral-Maxillofacial Surgeon report: x-ray suggests increase in peridontal ligament with potential furcation involvement. Early signs of apical pathology associated with #17 may be result of rad induced ischemic changes. Suggest endodontic eval, observation, proceed when symptomatology is mandatory.

ENT checked dental x-rays for condition of bone (of course it's on tumor side). She saw nothing alarming as far as osteonecrosis on x-ray or exam. The tooth is asymptomatic. Endo consult is the next step.

RO believes there is no problem getting this done with a local endodontist.
I brought up the idea of going to a dental clinic at a CCC to ENT, she thought this was reasonable and a good idea. In fact, she offered to contact Dana-Faber to see how to proceed.

Jerry - Could opacity on x-ray be result of rad and not an abscess, etc?
Are wisdom teeth more difficult for root canal, as well as extraction?
Someone mentioned even a cyst shows up as an opacity.

Brian - Regarding so many things going wrong... My anger has been directed at the SE of Rad, rather than the cancer. I have some thoughts about that and will post under coping, so this will keep to dental issues.

CG to husband, dx @ age 65, nonsmoker/social drinker. Dx 5/08 SCC Stage IV, BOT T1N2aM0. 33 IMRT - completed 9/12/08. Induction Chemo (Cisplatin, Taxotere & 5FU), plus concurrent Cisplatin.
1/09 PEG removed; 5/09 neg PET/CT; 5/10 PET/CT NED
Dental extraction & HBOT 2013; ORN 2014; Debridement/Tissue Transfer & HBOT 2016