I had radiation implants in 2003 and had hyperbaric oxygen therapy in 04 to treat raiation burns, but now I am having a problem with my jawbone. I had a hole in my gums exposing my jawbone and an oral surgeon removed a 2 in section of dead bone but there was bleeding bone underneath so we have been waiting for three weeks to see if it will heal without further intervention, but it is NOT getting any better and I'm tired of playing the waiting game while I am in A LOT of pain and it is NOT getting any better. Anyone have any advice on how to get the dr to do something other than wait and see? The biopsy of bone and gum tissue were normal, except for extensive damage to gum and tissue from radiation, so the chances of his healing without any further intervention(graft or jawbone removal) is very slim, but the dr seems very reluctant to make any decisions. I am very frustrated and I just want my life back. I am in a lot of pain all the time and pain meds aren't helping and oral surgeon is not wanting to continue to perscribe meds. What should I do? Should I see a different specialist or push the oral surgeon to do something else? Please HELP ME!

SCC dx at age 21 4/03, partial glossectomy and partial neck dissection 4/03, IMRT 6/03, cancer free 9/03 HBOT 7/04-10/04, cysts on thyroid 6/06, biopsy and throat endoscopy 4/09, dead bone removed from jawbone 9/09, fibula free flap and partial mandible removed 12/09 6 yr survivor