Thats a great idea! for someone else. For my life it will not work. I live hundreds of miles from Shands. I have four children that need as much of there life to remain normal as possible. I have a husband, he has a job. I would like him to have it when this is all over. I have 2 ENTs one is a "lone practitioner" that refered me to the Head and Neck Cancer guy. While I live in the woods, I do have access to the medical community, sometimes they are just not in the same building, that's all. My Dr.s and nurse's have given me their personal cell numbers, I'm not a big town girl but I don't think you get that in Gainsville or Jax.

40 yr old. Stage IV SCC found left tonsil. PET/CT shows cancer on base of tongue, floor of mouth, lymph nodes on both sides. HPV 16 pos. 6 weeks of cisplatin, 43 days of radiation. 73gy on each side.
ND March 2, 2009
reoccurance dx'd Aug 19, 2009