
I saw in your profile that you enjoy gardening, and you live in Florida. Me too, and me too. When I'm really tense, afraid, sad, or any other not so great emotion, I find it calming and "real" to get out into the dirt. Even when I'm not physically strong, I can still sit and pull weeds or fuss around my plants and shrubs. It's very therapeutic for me and helps me put things into perspective. The weather is usually cooperative and there's always something that you can find to do.

Just a thought,


SCC part glossectomy 3/06, recur 8/06 glossectomy, floor of mouth, part of jaw removed, RT/chemo thru 10/12/06, PET clear 7/08
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn"
Passed away 12/14/08