Tony, Feel so bad hearing about your problems. First the voice, why don't you want to go to therapy? Is it about the financial status your in? Second, this cancer can really humble us. I am on disability right now from work. Didn't want to do it, but there was no way I could perform my job while healing. So I thought of my health instead of pride. Glad I did. I'm hoping to go back to work in a month or so depending on upcoming test. This is so unlike me to sit around. So please go out there and get the help that you need. One more question, I think you had the cancer on the vocal chord, did the dr. inform you that your voice may or may not come back? or don't they know? Stay strong!

Dx3/20/06 SCC,BOT,1N Tx:5cycles Carbo/Taxol, Rad:35x, brachytherapy:6x, completed 7/24/06