We have searched for something to replace Biotene for over a year now. I have chased every possible lead, and followed a company that had the right thing, that could not get through the FDA because they didn't have the science data to support the enzymes and associated claims. We found a product out of Spain that has a US distributor, but the costs are through the roof, and I am still trying to sort something out with them so that we could get it for our members at some kind of discount or wholesale price to make it bearable. But most of the overseas things coming here, or that we have asked to be brought here, have high prices as a result of the shipping etc. that the trip adds to the costs of the product. This seems so simple, as this is a class one FDA product and getting something through them isn't that hard - I have taken class 4 products (implantable devices) through and understand the process well. OCF is not funded to produce a product, but this sure isn't rocket science. The problem for us, if I could find some donor to underwrite the idea, is that you are looking at making a minimum number of tubes, and without selling them in Walgeens etc. (which would put us out of our non-profit world) I don't think we could make a dent in getting rid of all of them over a couple of years to people that know us.... The search goes on.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.