Designs for Health Periobiotic Toothpaste doesn't look the same as Biotene

Water� calcium glycerophosphate� xylitol� glycerin� calcium carbonate� carageenan� spearmint oil (Mentha viridis)� maltodextrin� Lactobacillus paracasei� citric acid� potassium sorbate� Yucca filamentosa powder� stevia leaf extract (Eupatorium rebaudianum bertoni).Water� calcium glycerophosphate� xylitol� glycerin� calcium carbonate� carageenan� spearmint oil (Mentha viridis)� maltodextrin� Lactobacillus paracasei� citric acid� potassium sorbate� Yucca filamentosa powder� stevia leaf extract (Eupatorium rebaudianum bertoni).

Last edited by ChristineB; 03-26-2014 09:01 PM. Reason: fix missing post

Squamous cell carcinoma base of tongue. Lymph involvement unclear; staging placed at "2 or 3." Biopsy 4/18/2008. Treatment: IMRT every day for 7 weeks. Cisplaten once a week to sensitize cancer to radiation. Treatment ended 7/16/08. PET/CT shows no more cancer.