I've looked at the Radiation portion of this web site, and it is not helping me. I need to speak to someone that has been through it, I'm so afraid. I have 6 children, 2 grown, and 4 at home. I have alot of responsibilities, I work full time. Do I need to take a leave from work? I'm very scared about them damaging all my saliva glands, and me losing all my teeth. And I thought he was only going to radiate me from my chin line down, but he is saying he wants to do it higher above my jaw and teeth, to be able to hit my tongue with the radiation as well. I don't understand. Feeling very alone and afraid.

SCC 12/13 - T1N0
1/28/13 - removal of tumor Rt. Tongue clear margins
5/14 lump under chin, 8/14 FNA showed C and CAT
8/25 neck dissection, 14nodes removed 9 clear 5 with C
Extra Nodal Extension not present
9/9/14 tumor board meeting to determine RAD and poss chemo treatment