Thanks for your interest. I'm sure you all have your own personal issues and relationships to attend to and that there may be little or no upside for any of you who choose to think about the alternative treatments I'm pursuing. So, I appreciate your comments.
Still, while conventional cancer treatment may seem like an open and shut issue to many, in my world it is really clouded with uncertainty and ambiguity. So, why do such a small fraction of those millions who test positive for HPV actually become cancerous? Is it not reasonable to conclude that some "event" or "process" actually triggered this omnipresent virus? it not reasonable to think that such life style issues as nutrition and mental health could lead to such sickness? So, why should it be so strange or foolish for one to follow the timeless refrain: "let food be thy medicine"?
Anyway....I'm not trying to convert anyone. And besides, I don't much care for the term, "alternative treatments".

DX in 12/2010. Stage 4 SCC HPV+ BOT swollen lymph. I've spent the past 3 years away from medical treatments. Instead I've focused on good nutrition, active exercise, singing, laughing, oral exercises and such. I've had neither pain nor discomfort. But I haven't been able to kill the cancer. So, I'm now considering robotic surgery and/or radiation.