Brand new to this site, I just discovered the replies to my post. Thank you so much. A bit more info: HPV caused cancer at the base of tongue, spread to lymph node, the swelling first noticed by me around 4/2010. Diagnosed with biopsy and viewed with tv camera down nostril in 12/2010. No throat discomfort or even awareness of "issue". Doc said stage 4, urged chemo. Will now see docs again after 6 months "away" given swelling and your considerate posts. Lastly, no reply to my post indicated "spontaneous remission" of HPV caused tongue cancer. Does that seem to be the situation?

DX in 12/2010. Stage 4 SCC HPV+ BOT swollen lymph. I've spent the past 3 years away from medical treatments. Instead I've focused on good nutrition, active exercise, singing, laughing, oral exercises and such. I've had neither pain nor discomfort. But I haven't been able to kill the cancer. So, I'm now considering robotic surgery and/or radiation.