Hy Wendy,My husband was tacking care of me and peope were trying to help and we kept saying no. It took about 5 months before he would let someone in to just watch me sleep. We had our own Company and he was doing that by phone. I looked at him and said call this lady friend of mine and see if she will sit so he could get a break. That finally started to help him and me. I am still suffering alot of the side effects of cancer TX, but now I go to therapy to keep in the moment and am desperately trying to get my husband some help because now a situation came up for him. And I can't give back fully what he has done for me, but get him to talk to others support groups such as this one to talk about what its like being a care giver. I deal with the guilt and deals with to much again. So it is true do take some time for your self. Fix up your face when you come back from that little time so that he knows you are taking care of you too!
You will both smile and even become closer to each other. Hope this helps a little. I will definitely put you on my prayers list.

10/10 IV OSCC metastatic to lymph nodes. 10/10 Peg,Port,Trech. due to rad scarring cannot swallow. 9/12 Pet clean. SCC back again 11/12. Tumor attached to jugular, Rad DX left side of neck 11/19/12. No Chemo or Rads. MRI on 1/11/13 for chronic pain w/pet scan 2/15/13.