
The checkup Wednesday went OK I guess. They told us he has a 20-25 % chance of cutting all the cancer out. The doctor also said he may have wound healing problems since they're cutting into radiated skin. Which is just one more thing to worry about! Also they said he probably will never even be able to have a voice because right now they are just focusing on taking care of the cancer. He had bloodwork done the same day and everything came back looking good even the thyroid. So i'm still at a lost for why he is having hot flashes. Any suggestions? The nurse called yesterday and they had a cancellation so Don's surgery is moved up to July 26th. That's one prayer answered!!! He hasn't been able to sleep much at all still. I asked for a sleeping pill and the doctor said probably not a good idea. I tried melatonin and it hasn't done anything for him. Thank you all for thinking of us. It means a lot!!

Take care,

Callie, 24, cg to husband, Don, 43, smoker 20+ years, quit smoking 12/11! 3/09- spot on tongue, biopsy-. 3/10 biopsy-. 10/14/11 biopsy+. Surgery to remove front half of tongue and 32 lymph nodes (contained in one node).. 12/09/11. 6 weeks rad tx 2/1/12-3/20/12. Trach removed 4/12. Still using peg.