Don't know what button I hit but I had started a response that disappeared on me! Ouch! If this is redundant, I apologize.

So, as I was saying... round 2 of the inductive chemo was much friendlier. Because of significant response to first cycle -- tumor all but disappeared -- they backed down on chemo intensity and duration. It really did not shorten Jerry's 'recovery' period, but the symptoms were hugely reduced. Plus the anti-nausea meds were adjusted (replaced the Zofran with Emend) and we started the antacids four days in advance. Jerry did pick up a cold about a week ago. Nothing bad, no fever, but quite annoying. He also started to develop a rash on hands and arms about five days ago. Again, nothing huge, but also annoying. Friday -- three more days -- we go in to begin preparing for the chemoradiation phase of this treatment. Anxiety is setting in a bit. I know Jerry wants to avoid the PEG but I know I somehow should probably insist. I'm hoping the doctors insist -- or I should say "highly recommend" so I'm not left with the battle. But battle I will if it will save him from further complications later into the treatment.

I do hope that each of you were able to enjoy the holidays as best you couldl! Ours was a bit different but just being together was priceless! Thank you all for your support and wisdom! Take care!

Gayle, CG to incredible husband, age 53 yrs
DX 10/26/11, never smoked, casual drinker
Stage 4, T2 N3 SCC, right tonsil, node cluster in r. neck
Tx 2-3 cycles induction chemo followed by chemo-radiation 33 treatments w/concurrent cisplatin for six weeks of 7 week treatment
PEG in 02.03.12