Hello Gary, I truly hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for your warm welcome to the community, and most of all thanks for sharing such personal and useful details with me: it does help to have people who are open to share and care with no prejudice.
ENT unfortunately confirmed the MRI did not include the whole mouth nor the neck, just brain + nose + only 2 sections (slices) for the mouth. The hiperplastic tissue was still detected but not carefully explained by the images. ENT confirmed the tonsil is thicker and hard to touch on the right side, unfortunately.
That's a story of frustration, as Eileen correctly points this out, and that's what makes me feel even worse, i.e. guilty and silly.

@ Eileen, happy to read you again! I hope you are are doing fine. Thanks for checking in and for your words, I will make sure to jot down a report on the cancer center (and won't miss to politely complain with the other one's poor professionalism).

You take care too.
Sending best,

"The middle of the night is the beginning of a new day"
L. Da Vinci