Hi Christine, thanks for your nice words, I do appreciate you taking the time to get back to me so quickly.
Those couple of biopsies they made were quite audacious I think: they were not directed to any specific point, as the whole area looks reddish and feels augmented. Luckily enough, or maybe not, we're not doctors.
I hope the PET-CT I had last year in May was not a false positive. I read there were some, even if not that many in your overall experiences. Hope hope hope.
I'll wait for the MRI results in a few days, and should anything come out of it, I'll for sure go and see another ENT.

And yes, I totally agree that nourishing's vital together with sleeping (and laughing, I'd add), which is why despite the total lack of appetite, I never stopped eating even having to force myself in front of the most refined delicacies. I cannot even cook as I cannot stand smells, and that's too bad as I loved to and now I have to just sit at the table and act mechanically. That's quite a challenge for me as I once used to be a gourmet and a hearty eater, and now there is no single food, salty or sweet, not even a Sacher cake or my memory food from the childhood that appeals me. Simply, it looks like my body is no longer asking for it. That's real shame for me as I kind of lost one of the most vital aspects of life.
Sorry for relieving my feelings on such a hot topic referring to mouth district and appetite, as I just can imagine that sooner or later, you and other patients might have experienced troubles eating or appetite lack. Maybe, you can somehow understand how this changes the whole day. I even happen to dream of eating food with my lost hunger smile
Though I hope I did not hurt you raising the point.

Thanks again for your good whishes: you have all my esteem for your daily fight(s) and I hope we can all can 'find peace' and start/keep on being the strong ones who reassure and assist others again.

Take good care of yourself, Christine, and may you have many good things, big and little ones, to make your life full of meaning.


"The middle of the night is the beginning of a new day"
L. Da Vinci