Quick update: ENT says to go back in 6 months for an extra neck ultra-sound and endoscopy. Says just for safety.
Bleeding frequency changes were not motivated at all, while for the frequent sore throat (monolateral) he said this happens. The whole story sounds slightly unclear: the blood vessels theory does not match with the small bleeding quantity + everchanging frequency. Will definitely head to the 2nd cancer center here, make uo an appointment soonest. Was even given a side CFS diagnosis, which won't explain the weight loss and appetite changes at all. I do feel DRs here have problems in dealing w/scared + young patient seeking for torough explaination to her symptoms. Rather frustrating and scary.
All the best to you all, and unhappy to say this, story to be continued.

"The middle of the night is the beginning of a new day"
L. Da Vinci