Hi Cheryl, thanks so much for your detailed feed-back: it's mostly appreciated here. Am in the waiting room now to see General Dr, then ENT (a cancer surgeon) in 3 hrs today, plus Hospital later in the afternoon. Sounds like a tough check-up. In answer to your questions, yes, they did scope my moutn woth videoscope entering from nose and going down to vocal cords. This happened about 4 times within a year, but not all ENTs were familiar with the big C. They all reported generic redness/inflammation, which they attributed to reflux, plus slightly augmented areas around my rx tonsil. I assume I'll hopefully get some answer and according to your point of view, will make sure to properly point out accidental weight loss as well as moderate yet continuos bleeding plus the bad feeling in my dx mouth and ear.
Food-wise, I am desperately trying to keep a regular diet, including alternative protides and trying to carefully monitor quantities. The bleeding is not massive therefore has not led to an iron consumption so far, luckily (I guess I'd feel even weaker should this ever happen).
I shall keep you posted.
Thanks for being here and again thanks so much for your comprehensive answer on such a personal topic.
May you all enjoy the week-end and have time to spend doing your favorite things and staying with your beloved friends and family.
Take care and keep on being close.
I hope I can also be of some help once this issue gets more clear.

"The middle of the night is the beginning of a new day"
L. Da Vinci