Traci - There's been nagging, fighting, tears, etc. here for a couple of months. My view is get it done - the treatment - no matter what it takes, meaning toe to toe or behind his back. My husband, who is sitting here with me would say I'm a nag (and also admits that's pretty much what it took). We fought over the PEG and we fought over the RT. But he's thru with chemo and RT - probably will still need surgery but at this point the docs can't see the tumor at BOT any more. His weight went down 25# and is now coming up slowly. Good luck to you both.

CG to H with SCC BOT T4N2cM0 dx 12/19/08, teeth removed pre-tx; Erbitux & RT-done 3/12/09, PEG 2/9/09-7/14/09; ND 6/16. Pet 6/12-no mets except lymph node in neck removed on 6/16. Chyle leak,2nd surg to repair. Dilate esophagus 4/15/10. Clear PET 12/17/10