Sara i often wondered if my marriage would have survived if robin had lived.I ofen felt like the butt of his anger and resentment at the disease,Basically there was no one else to take it out on.It took away his strength and in some respects threatened his perceived man hood, and my ability to be able to cope in a practical way,and take charge of his meds,appointments,feedings,and all the other stuff we do such as applying for financial help dealing with the bank and the tax man driving washing cleaning phone screening door answering excuse maker when he didnt want to see and speak to anyone,nurse,bully,nagger,the list goes on,and at the end of all that you have a man who feels less of a man because you have carried him through a time when weakness was his worst enemy.He resents you lashes out at you because you have a strength that has been taken from him,and he cant be the husband you once knew.
Its a bitch,and most people get through it,but some just can't.Once the recovery is underway they don't want to be around the one person who knows their every weakness and whos very presence reminds them of a terrible time in their lives.
Its so sad but i am afraid it happens.I am lucky because i will never know if it would have happened to me,but i have this strange feeling that.............
I am sorry it has turnedout like this for you but like your husband and like me you are yet another victim of this truly cruel disease.