Thank you so much Charm! I picked Lepreckaun as a screen name because a very good friend who dwarfed me always called me that and I like it. YOu letter has put a smal back on my face and heck yeah I really do feel better!!! I am still in pain and will continue doing whsat the good Drs tell me but as I sit here I realize the I have been saved alot by coming here! Upon many of your suggestions I did indeed see another dentist and guess what he went the extra step and talked to my rdiation Dr and was told that I went through a full charge of radiation and would not heal. He took a biopsy of my gum so should have results of that shortly. I hope it is negative. But I feel better. Oh I am going back to work too! I miss working it gives me something to do so I can take my mind off my whoas. Keep smiling keep loving and be happy!!! My new motto! Brenda

49 years young 9/2007 Squamous Cell Carcinoma 33 rad treatments. One year later, 9/17/2008 50 years old through the Grace of God. last check up all clear. Living life as it comes to me.