
Noone deserves to be called stupid or any other name for any reason. We all take care of things in our own way. I first found the slit under my tongue in either late March or early April and did not have a biopsy until July. I had no idea what it was at first and it truly did not look like anything menacing. I had no health insurance or job at the time. Once I was employed there was a 90 waiting period before I had insurance and I was operated on 5 days after my insurance went into effect. I did my first PET/CT and a lot of other tests out of my own pocket - well I will be paying for them for awhile, but you get my meaning.

I will send you a PM with the description of how my flap is and a photo or two if you like.


SCC Floor of Mouth 7/06
9/06 Surgery, bilateral neck dissection, 58 nodes clear PT2pN0pMx
35 rad 2006
Recurred 6/08, 1 Carboplatin, 1 Cisplatin
Surgery 9/08 - Total glossectomy, free flap from pectoral muscle, left mandible replaced using fibula
35 IMRT & Erbitux 11/08
4/15/09 recurrence
6/1/09 passed away, rest in peace