Oh, well given what you did for years, yeah you absolutely know the drill!! It CAN be extremely frustrating. An additional frustration we've had with my CCC is that each and every doctor, department, lab, area, etc bill separately. We tried to consolidate onto one account number for the CCC but noooooooo can do. Separate accounts for each, with separate account numbers. Holy cow that creates confusion, because then of course you've got separate insurance statements for each, etc.

Sorry, getting off course there. Now I'm ranting I suppose....

Age 41 - Stage 2 SCC tongue Dx 2/06. Cisplatin x3, IMRT x35. Mets to neck node discovered 7/07. RND 40 nodes removed, margins not clear. Cisplatin, Taxotere, 5-FU Fall 07, then IMXT/Erbitux for 7 wks. Inoperable mets to both lungs and pleura Dx Oct'08. 4 cycles Carboplatin, Erbitux, 5-FU so far.