Good news - doc's office phoned me at 10:30 this a.m. and they have the disk smile I haven't looked into a patient advocate thing as I did legal advocacy for the poor for 20 years. Handled most of the SSA claims through the hearing stage so I know the drill, it just irritates me....some things never change.

CG to H with SCC BOT T4N2cM0 dx 12/19/08, teeth removed pre-tx; Erbitux & RT-done 3/12/09, PEG 2/9/09-7/14/09; ND 6/16. Pet 6/12-no mets except lymph node in neck removed on 6/16. Chyle leak,2nd surg to repair. Dilate esophagus 4/15/10. Clear PET 12/17/10