Carol Marie,

Where has she been seen? If she has not been already, I would strongly recommend that she be fully evaluated at a comprehensive cancer center (CCC). I have not heard of the oral laser surgery. I was evaluated and received mulitple opinions through 4 CCC's; evaluated in person at Stanford and UCSF; further review and evaluation of all of my results by MD Anderson and Hopkins. While I make no claim to be a doctor, the traditional treatment I would expect her to receive would be chemotheray (likely Cisplatin) coupled with IMRT. This is the treatment I received at Stanford, while not easy, I am at full strength again and very happy with my life.

If you let us know where you are located in Missouri I am sure someone will know where the nearest and the best CCC's are located. This is a very important issue.

Welcome to the website. Sorry you need to be here but you will find the support to be sincere and caring and the information accurate.

God Bless.


SCC Right Tonsil Dx 2/25/2008 at age 43
T1N2B M0,Stage IVa
8mm primary removed 3/5/08
4cm lymph node removed 2/22/08
2 additional sub cm nodes
Tx at Stanford: 30 x IMRT, 2 x Cisplatin,
Started radiation 3/27/08, Completed 5/7/08
p16+, HPV 16+
2 Year Post-TX PET CT 5/10 - CLEAR