Hi there- I had teh same treatment your mom had plus surgery. I know it is very difficult and taxing on the system. Let her doctors know of her symptoms so they can advise medications etc. I too only used the PEG for a while when my taste and appetite went out the window. I didn't really miss eating because it seemed so unappetising

It is crucial that she complete the reccomended treatment in order to get the best outcome possible in beating this disease. The treatment has been proven to work very well. Just continue to be there for her support her but be firm in that she must do her absolute best to complete the course of treatment.

TRy and distract her as much as possible from her symptoms by trying to give her some comforts that she likes.

Hang in there

Tongue Cancer T2 N0 M0 /
Total Glossectomy Due to Location of Tumor

Finished all treatments May 25 2007