Platinum Member (300+ posts) Joined: Jun 2008 Posts: 309 | i had to have them stop for a couple minutes when having the mask made. was all i could do to make it thru but i did it. ativan is what they use at the UW to help with it ... and maybe it works better than valium for this type of thing so i would try it if i were you. i would also speak to your oncologist and see what they suggest i am sure you are not the first and will not be the last to not make it thru without help. just keep trying everything until you make it thru.
Rita - Age 44 wife, mother of 4 - ages 3,16,21,24 & grandma to 1 (R upper) Maxillectomy 8/8/08 - UW / Seattle, WA.
"Those who think by the inch and speak by the yard, should be kicked by the foot."