I am new to this site and have read some of the forums and this looks like a good place to both give and receive support.
I was diagnosed with stage 1 tongue cancer two years ago. In Dec 06 I had a right side tongue resection with some lymph nodes on the right neck renoved. Margins were clean and all tissue removed from the neck was clean.
In Sept 08 I had a recurrence of cancer of the tongue but farther back on the underside of the tongue. A second tongue resection with clean margins was done.
I am now getting ready to undergo radiation therapy and after I have read more postings I will probably have some questions for everyone.
For right now I just wanted to say "Heh". That's how we say hi here in the south.
59 Male 10/06 SCC Stage 1 tongue cancer. 12/06 partial glossectemy right side, removal of lymph nodes. Margins and lymph nodes clean. 09/08 recurrence SCC Stage 1 tongue cancer. 10/08 partial glossectemy right side. Margins clean. Radiation recommended.