I couldn't make it through the mask fitting. I tried the first day and lasted about 10 minutes. Next day I took valium and couldn't last 1 minute. I completely panicked. The readiologist said he can't do anything for me unless I can keep the mask on. He did not offer any solutions. I am so scared when I put the mask on that I can'stand it. I am thinking about going to a hypnotist or a therapist to overcome this fear but I don't know if that will happen soon enough. Are there any other solutions that people have tried?
I can barely make it through my normal quarterly CAT scans because of the anxiety.
59 Male 10/06 SCC Stage 1 tongue cancer. 12/06 partial glossectemy right side, removal of lymph nodes. Margins and lymph nodes clean. 09/08 recurrence SCC Stage 1 tongue cancer. 10/08 partial glossectemy right side. Margins clean. Radiation recommended.