Well it is official..I have been tagged again. ENT called to get the results and I have a lymph node on each side of my neck that is active. The upshot is a double neck disection..he is attempting to get another surgeon envolved and they will do both sides at the same time and he is hoping to remove as little muscle and tissue as possible.
Anyone done a double before?? How did your neck work afterwards?? I'm concerned abit about my ability to wear a motorcycle helmet after the work is done.

Stage 4b BOT and node on right of throat. did 38 trips of TOMO PEG tube,Cysplatin,Taxotere & 5fu 1st 4th and 7th week, changed to Erbitux for the last 4 weeks. 1st PETS since end of TX..CLEAR 6mos out and 2 nodes are hot. Bilateral neck dissection on 10/31/08. Clear Scan 3/31/09 & 8/02/2010