Wow - that is a phenomenally high figure - and your signature line indicates that you didn't have surgery!

I have just recently tabulated my bills for my treatment that included 35 radiation treatments, 2 doses of Cisplatin, a hemiglossectomy with neck dissection, months of home health nursing care for IV fluids and IV anti-emetics, a surgery to place the PEG tube, OT, ST, and PT - and the grand total was under $100,000. I'm a patient of MD Anderson in Orlando - I can't imagine that they are that much less expensive than Moffit!

36 years old at diagnosis
SCC of the tongue T2N2bM0 Stage IV
post hemi glossectomy and neck dissection (3/28/07), finished 6 weeks of radiation and Cisplatin x2 6/19/07. Biopsy taken from right side of tongue 7/17/08 - results showed infected abscess and no return of SCC!