Liz - Thanks for the research info on the Unknown Primary. I also found a couple other articles on this.

Gabe - Thanks for the great list of Acronyms

David - I read some posts from you on getting second opinions and I have not, but I think except for the RO I have seen two of each speciality within the Sharp Healthcare system. At this stage the dentists and dietitians seem to be front and center. It seems very comprehensive. Also in my case they plan to use IGRT TomoTherapy which they say is somewhat more precise than standard IMRT. Do you think I am OK just following the Sharp regiment?

TXN2bM0 Stage IVa SCC-Occult Primary
FNA 6/6/08-SCC in node<2cm
PET/CT 6/19/08-SCC in 2nd node<1cm
HiRes CT 6/21/08
Exploratory,Tonsillectomy(benign),Right SND 6/23/08
PEG 7/3/08-11/6/08
35 TomoTherapy 7/16/08-9/04/08 No Chemo
Clear PET/CT 11/15/08, 5/15/09, 5/28/10, 7/8/11