
Hello and welcome to the site, you have certainly come to the right place for support and information. My dad, like your husband has the same diagnosis as your husband. He is currently in chemo now and will start 35 tx's of radiation in 2 weeks. His chemo regimen consists of taxol, carbo and Erbitux. The Erbitux was started because his tumor was >8.5 cm with many lymph node involvement. He now is covered with the Erbitux rash and other than a slight sore throat and trouble sleeping at night has had no other side effects so far. I have found, as well as the rest of our family will tell you that staying positive is imperative for your loved one and believe me I know how hard this can be. They initially told us that my father was terminal and had 6 mos. to live if untreated. 1-3 years with treatment and a possible radical neck. It is such a blow at first and we are still reeling, but I have learned to take this hellish ride one day at a time and try to focus on what we have now, not what we dont. A friend of our family who was also the same age of your husband and had the same diagnosis is now, who has been a survivor now for 10 years and just had twins is doing fine. He has been the biggest encouragement for my dad. Since we are just starting this long haul, I am unable to answer most of your questions and for that I am sorry. We all are here to help you and to answer any questions you may need. Read the forums and posts, this has helped us. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.


caregiver to father, stage IV SCC with lesion on base of tongue and mets to right lymph nodes. Current chemotherapy taxol, carboplatin and erbitux. Will start radiation 4/1/08 7 wks, 35 treatments with questionable radiacal neck at end of radiation.