Thanks, you all for responding. Michell, we've been throughthe wringer, and continue to be there in one way or another daily. But, I believe strongly that Craig can beat this cancer. I am doing everything I can to facilitate his rcovery and success. I've been juicing like crazy ever since we found out,and have invested enough money in books on the subject of cancer etc., that I feel like I could open a small library.
It is crazy how out of control the whole situation makes us feel. Heck, I guess, ultimately we are out of control over much of life. Howeve, there are some things to do that help me feel like I'm not just sitting and watching, while my loved one is in pain. The food/juice portion is one of those things. Another is that I set up a caringbridge website. That has been enormously helpful not only for me to exorcise some of my frustrations, but also for relatives and friends who want to help or keep in touch, but don't know how or are to far away or don't want to be a bother. is the address. check it out if you haven't allready.

I laughed when I read your psot about the fire hazzard space heater. I, too, burned myself on a space heater once, when I was in college. I had a grid mark on my butt for like a year, as I burned it by bending over to get a sweatshirt off and leaninging into it. Anyway--- those days seem like anotherlifetime away, in the face of all of this. I'm sure you would agree.

I'm sorry to hear that your Craig is back on the chemo, and I will be keeping him in my prayers for a healthy and speedy recovery. That chemo can sure do a number on a person, no?
My Craig was felled by his second dose of it. I've never seen him so decimated. He's a trooper, though, much like your husband, and they will both pull through this. Hang in there, little missy!

My craig finaly woke up, for about 2 hours this evening, and now he's back asleep. I hope he sleeps through the night. I'm going to email his Dr. with quesitons about the steroid stuff for the mucositis. Do you know the name of it?

wife of 36 yr. Craig, who had/s? stage IV base of tongue, and in two lym.nodes. 2 weeks out of treatment, including two rounds of cisplatin, radiation everyday, double dose radiation last two treatment weeks. Waiting for PET scan in 2 weeks. Scared as all get out.