Well I certainly understand that sweating problem it was driving my husband crazy. It took about 2 1/2 weeks for that to calm down. MY CRAIG had me pushing food on him too and it just wasnt working so I left him alone. Then one saturday I was on my way out the door to get grocery's and he said I AM HUNGRY well we started with Easy Mac Cheese and I left him alone. He called 30 minutes later and said it was great. From then on he just started trying things more, some worked some didnt. Some days he wouldnt eat at all and some he ate all day. Our ENT gave my husband some mouthwash with a steroid in it and it cleared almost all of the mucous up in 24 hours.

As for the depression, I have a funny story for you when I was at the point you are now. It was a Sunday morning and I fixed Craig some oatmeal and hooked up a bag of ensure to his feeding tube (chocolate), I was standing in the kitchen next to the space heater(it wasnt even cold) wondering would he eat the oatmeal. Well all of a sudden my tshirt caught on fire and I tried to move to the sink and put it out but the flames got bigger and bigger. The water didnt help (of course I didnt think to use the sprayer). So I had to STOP DROP AND ROLL. My husband somehow heard me drop and smelled smoke and came running to my aid. He pulled off my tshirt and
PJ bottoms and I am looking at him and the ensure is flowing out of the tube onto the floor and I said why didnt you just aim that at me? He stopped the tube and took his wet close off. We were laughing and crying at the same time. He said I got a call 911 and I said dont you dare because we were a funny naked site. So off to the hospital I went and had 2nd and some 3rd degree burns. That day kinda turned things arround with his depression, maybe our story will help your husband see that anything can happen at any time and NOW is all you have.

With that said our chemo dr suggested that we start a new round of chemo for extra insurance. He now has a severe chemical burn and he is back a point zero. He has been in the hospital since monday and it is worse than anything he went thru the first 7 weeks. So everyday is different.
