I took the most aggressive treatment option offered, induction chemo (cisplatin,doxtaxel and 5FU for three cycles of three weeks each and then 7 weeks of IMRT and weekly carboplatin. My tumor was about 3 inches long on the left side of the neck and the left tonsil infected with cancer. I am now 4 months post treatment with no surgery (other then the tonsil being removed) and no tumor. My team recommeded this course and am glad I chose it. The chioce is yours alone, so do what is best for you! Good luck in your WAR. Bob

Bob age 57, non smoker,non drinker, ended treatment on 11 Nov 2007 and started back to work on 29 Nov 2007. Veterans Day 2012 the Battle was lowered, folded, Taps was played and the Flag buried as I am know a 5 year survivor. Semper-FI !!!