We've had two visits with two oncologists this week.

At the first visit, Craig made a decision not to get the PEG. This was because the doctor seemed to think it was 50% chance of needing it, plus he insists that Craig must eat something orally anyway to exercise the muscles and avoid excessive scar tissue forming.

However, at the second visit we were told that his diagnosis is now Stage 4a. This seems to be because the right lymph node also now has a hard lump (how long it's been there we don't know) and the left lymph node is 3.5cm. This may change the PEG decision.

Craig is to be treated with radiation daily for 6 weeks and three rounds of chemo which will be administered in hospital taking a couple of days each time. The radiation will now be on both sides of the neck. They have stated they don't want to do surgery unless it is absolutely necessary (including a neck dissection).

He still has a PET scan to go so there could be changes to the treatment plan.

I just want to say thank you for all the supportive comments and information that you giving me. It really helps to know we're not alone in this.

Marina, wife of Craig, 52 former smoker/drinker quit 9 years ago.
dx Feb 2008, SCC Stage 4a Tongue with mets to left and right neck lymph nodes.
Cisplatin x 3 and concurrent IMRT x 35 (scheduled to end May 1/08)
We have two children, 3 and 2, and #3 is on the way.