Hi I just had my fifth esophogeal dilation. The last one helped but then after a few months the throat shrinks because of the scar tissue which causes the narrowing Most ents will not remove scar tissue it is suppose to soften but that does not always happen I just had it done last friday it feels better I can breathe alot better. Thanks to oxycodone I can get rid of the soreness quicker I just don"t like being doped up. I have trismus to the therabite has helped. I cannot stick my tongue out all the way. I do not know if I will every be able to eat normally again my doctor said I will never be back to normal. I know some people get their throats dilated once a month. I really do not want that I hope this time my throat stays open no more narrowing I know that the dilations can also cause scar tissue. I know it stinks to have this but there is nothing else to do he says my esophogas is fine I just have alot of scar tissue. I know you have had a hard time with your recovery you are lucky to have a good caregiver. I am putting my trust in the lord to heal my throat.

God Bless

SCC T3N1 right side tongue DX7/24/06 44 yrs old
Tx 42 IMRT started 9/01/06 Cysplatin & 5fu 2x treatment ended 10/31/06. Partial neck discection 3/07 on right side.
Had tracheostomy 4/08. Had total Laryngectomy 6/09