[quote=EzJim] I am jealous LOL Meat?? what does that stuff taste like? have a good day all.[/quote]
Meat is a tricky one. For the longest time, I never thought I would be able to eat meat again at all until I learned the trick of putting moist veggies on the fork WITH the piece of meat and chewing them together. Some meats are easier than others. Hamburger for instance will go down fairly well if it is mixed with noodles like elbow macaroni and a tomato sauce. If I try to eat hamburger by itself, all the little particles of meat separate and stick to the back of my tongue. I then have to keep drinking water to wash them down. I don't like eating hamburger like that for fear of aspirating the little particles. I can also eat a chicken leg if I take a small bite of it along with a bite of moist veggies such as green beans. In fact that is one of the very few things that I can eat on the Hardee's menu now! One chicken leg, green beans and mashed potatoes w/gravy. (I say chicken LEG because a leg is easy to hold and bite into, and it is dark meat which is less dry and less stringy than white meat). I can eat some of the meals at Boston Market such as their meatloaf and turkey. As long as I take very small bites and include a bite of moist veggies, the meat goes down just fine. Although my eating ability is very restricted compared to the way it was before the cancer, I am at least thankful that I CAN eat. I sure miss eating hamburgers the way I used to though! The good thing about being limited is that I don't eat nearly as MUCH meat as I did before, and they say that's better for the heart and blood vessels anyway. As far as the taste, most meats taste pretty much the same as they did before the cancer. Some other foods are a little off though, like chocolate...so I tend to stay away from it now. I also miss eating cake by itself. I can eat it now, but ONLY with the assistance of a bite of ice cream with each bite of cake.

Nine years out. New normal with limitations, but surviving and living life to the fullest.