
I have been following this thread and Hayley's blog. I am so glad to hear the good news! She is such a brave young lady, and you are a wonderful Mother! My Dad has been going through the same thing. He is having radiation, taking chemo pills, and will begin chemo injections on Tuesday, and he will have a PEG tube put in surgically next week. Hang in there, if you need to chat, please feel free to contact me. smile

Dad: Age 65 Heavy smoker/drinker. Biopsy-No surgery. Cancer base of tongue/throat. "Invasive Squamous Carcinoma RRT" --Beginning 1/9/08: IMRT treatments (5X/wk),chemo pills (4/day) and Chemo IV (once/wk) PEG tube inserted 1/25/08. Treatments ended 2/26/08

JUNE 30, 2008 Officially CANCER FREE!!!