Hello all,

My name is Mandy, and I am the mother of an 18 year old daugher called Hayley.

Hayley has throat cancer. We were told the news on the 20th November. Her cancer is situated on the left side of her voice box.

I searched for a site that could help me come to understand what will be happening, and to get advice and information so we can face this head on.

Her ENT consultant has been very positive and has told Hayley that there is no reason why she can't beat this. I have to hold on to that.

Hayley herself, is being so positive - she has amazed me...she says there is no way that cancer will beat her...she is ready to kick its butt! She has even started a blog about it!

This is one journey we didn't plan...who does...but my heart breaks for her but if she can be strong, then I have to be strong for her.

We are going up to Charing Cross Hospital, London,(6th Nov ) to meet with a Dr Sandhu - and we are hoping that he will confirm the laser treatment. If so, her operation will be within a few days of this meeting.

Forgive me if I am ' a little all over the place' but the past 3 weeks have been hell - but the past few days I have felt stronger..

I just wanted to share with you, and I thank you for listening.

Mandy :-)

Mother to Hayley 18, who was diagnosed on the 20th November 2007 with SSC /T4 Throat Cancer. Now in remission as from August 2008. smile